Thermoluminescence dating
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Дата публикации: 08.06.2023

Thermoluminescence dating


Luminescence dating facts QR Code Luminescence dating refers to a group of methods of determining how long ago mineral grains were last exposed to sunlight or sufficient heating. It is useful to geologists and archaeologists who want to know when such an event occurred. It uses various methods to stimulate and measure luminescence. Conditions and accuracy All sediments and soils contain trace amounts of radioactive isotopes of elements such as potassium , uranium , thorium , and rubidium.

These slowly decay over time and the ionizing radiation they produce is absorbed by mineral grains in the sediments such as quartz and potassium feldspar.

E.L. Cord Luminescence Laboratory The DRI E.L. Cord Luminescence Laboratory (DRILL) is fully Luminescence dating typically refers to a suite of radiometric dating techniques including Thermoluminescence (TL), in which the the last exposure to light is dated; in the case of pottery or burnt stones, the last exposure to heat is dated.

Giving Luminescence Dating Laboratory Luminescence dating, particularly using optically stimulated luminescence OSL , is revolutionizing Quaternary and archaeological science because it allows dating of sediments and artifacts that perhaps 10 years ago could not be dated. The lab has produced more than OSL ages from years to , years for aeolian, fluvial, lacustrine, and marine sediments, as well as pottery, artifacts and secondary carbonate.

Chronologies have been developed for archaeological sites in Botswana and the U. Luminescence dating, particularly using optically stimulated luminescence OSL , is revolutionizing Quaternary and archaeological science because it allows dating of sediments and artifacts that perhaps 10 years ago could not be dated. As the OSL of a sediment is quickly lost when exposed to sunlight tens of seconds many sediments are bleached lack an OSL signal when deposited and buried.

After deposition these sediments accumulate luminescence which can be measured allowing the age of burial to be determined. There is now convincing evidence that many glacial, fluvial, aeolian, and even shallow marine sediments can be dated by OSL techniques. The upper limit of age by OSL is largely determined by the annual dose on the sediment which is related to it’s content of uranium, thorium and potassium.