New Halo MCC Patch July 14th Being Rolled Out Across PC and Xbox One; Adds Support for Halo 3
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New Halo MCC Patch July 14th Being Rolled Out Across PC and Xbox One; Adds Support for Halo 3


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Halo: The Master Chief Collection is coming up on its fourth anniversary following its launch in November , and believe it or not, the Xbox One game continues to get exciting new updates. The first of these is the previously teased “Match Composer,” which lets you have greater control over the games and modes you play beyond the existing game- and mode-specific playlists that currently populate the hopper.

In the latest Halo Community Update , developer shared an image of what the Match Composer looks like. As you can see, this lets you select the game s you want to play, as well as the modes within those. After that, the magic of the Match Composer places you into matches. Halo: MCC features multiplayer support for Halo 1 , Halo 2 , Halo 3 , and Halo 4 , so it’s exciting to think about making a tailor-made playlist for yourself instead of needing to select the playlists individually after every match.

It’s not the only new matchmaking feature is working on for Halo: MCC. The studio is also building a “robust custom game browser” to the title. However, “that feature is going to take more time to implement,” said. Note that the new Match Composer will only ever place you into Social matches, not Ranked ones. The other big new feature for Halo: MCC is expanded controller customisation options.

With a new update, players will be able to independently changed the horizontal and vertical look sensitivity, as well as look acceleration and look dead zone. The Match Composer and new controller settings are now being tested internally at , with the expectation that they’ll be available to MCC Insider testers potentially next week. In other news, said it will bring back the zombie-themed Infection mode next week to kick off the Halloween celebrations a little early.