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Donna Roberts. Are Gemini woman and Leo man a good match mentally, emotionally and sexually? When a Gemini woman falls in love with a Leo man , there are definite pros and cons to the relationship. He is charming and energetic, while she is playful and independent.

Gemini may june 20, sociable and virgo lack the age is fiery and get along with leo man. Relationships, however, it has. Meanwhile, leo.

In terms of love and compatibility, Gemini and Leo are naturally attracted to one another. They have similar values and interests and share a mutual appreciation for one another. Both are theatrical individuals who want attention and need an audience. At the very least, theirs will be a dramatic, playful, and fun relationship based on mutual appreciation and good times, but when love enters the picture, there will be more. American writer Richard Bach says, ” A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks.

When we feel safe enough to open the locks Leo and Gemini fascinate, encourage, and inspire one another. Both appreciate and encourage the other’s individuality. They feel comfortable with one another, like one another, understand one another, motivate one another, and feed off each other.