Best dating apps: The new features to help you find love in the time of corona
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Best dating apps: The new features to help you find love in the time of corona

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We all know that dating can be expensive at the best of times, especially if you’re going out for dinner and drinks on the reg, and these days free dating sites can be hard to come by. With so many dating sites and apps now offering sometimes pricey subscription schemes, it can feel like the cost of dating is just racking up. So if you want to enjoy as much cheap dating as you can fit in, without spending any extra cash, then free dating sites might be the answer to your prayers – and there are more out there than you think.

OkCupid works by using a whole host of algorithms to find your perfect match – and there are plenty of success stories to confirm that it works. While OkCupid does offer a premium ‘A-List’ subscription, the free version of the site includes everything you actually need in order to use it. With a basic account, you can see all your potential matches, send and receive likes, get notified when you both like each other, and you can send and receive messages. The only downside with a basic account is that the number of likes you can send is capped each day – but it’s a blessing in disguise as you won’t be overwhelmed with a tonne of matches to reply to.

If you’re looking for a free dating site that goes off more than just whether you fancy someone’s pic, then Plenty of Fish ‘s thorough questionnaires might be a refreshing change. Like OkCupid, you can pay for more features, but the free version of the site is really all you need.