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Дата публикации: 02.03.2023



KIM November 15, Which begs the question: why? I sometimes ask that aloud. Nor should we feel obligated to constrain our options to Asian men.

Her, Chue, “Interracial Dating : Examining Race Preference Attitude in Hmong Adults” consisted of questions pulled from the Suinn-Lew Asian Self Identity Acculturation Scale Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (5th ed.)​.

That wonderful time of year had come and I decided to host the festivities. I was so busy setting and clearing the table, directing guests and caring for my two toddler boys that I hardly listened to the dinner conversation. I was appalled. His schoolmate then added that the only girls Richard finds attractive have long blonde hair and blue eyes.

Richard, who is black himself, did not deny it. That same evening, Richard laughed heartily as he told the joke that black women died on the Titanic because they refused to get on emergency rafts. But I never imagined that such hate speech would be present in my own home, at a table purchased and decorated by black women and filled to the brim with food lovingly cooked and served by black women. If such lunacy could infect my nephew, then the rest of the black boys that I loved were not safe from such white supremacist indoctrination.

I couldn’t sleep that night. I was awake in my bed, surrounded by black manhood. My month-old son was nursing while sleeping. I played footsy with my husband.