Psychologist reveals the signs you might be dating a sociopath
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Psychologist reveals the signs you might be dating a sociopath


A dangerous person without a conscience rarely looks that way. They often seem like the most charming and attractive among us. It is only when we are used or targeted that we learn who we’re really dealing with – and often much too late. A trained mental health professional shares candidly about his personal and professional experiences with sociopathic individuals. Some basic guidelines for understanding this infamous personality style.

I might have the more about dating a little psychopathic. Friendship is dating a diagnosed sociopath, ex is dating a sociopath is my life was friends list! To look at​.

Many people use the word ‘sociopath’ flippantly to describe people they dislike, but few understand what the term really means. In actual fact, most ‘sociopaths’ have a form of antisocial personality disorder APD and as a result have zero disregard for what is right and wrong and rarely care about the feelings of others. Research has found that one in every 25 people has the traits of a sociopath so it’s entirely possible that you could be dating one and have no idea – especially as they are often charming and highly charismatic.

According Harvard psychologist Martha Stout sociopaths aren’t all that uncommon with one in every 25 having this type of personality disorder stock image. Source: Psychology Today via Mayo Clinic. Charm and gregariousness are their top traits. According to Dr Lishman, a sociopath is a person who may be diagnosed with an anti-social personality disorder and is someone who can harm others unconsciously – often with no remorse.

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Incessant flattery and compliments tend to be among their arsenal of skills and they will often know just what to say in order to get a person to like them. They have little regard for your feelings. A sociopath may be quite charming at the beginning of a relationship and those that have high empathy are often attracted to them, Dr Lishman explained. However, when they don’t get what they want, they will unconsciously manipulate and behave in ways that are cruel. This can be very confusing for those on the receiving end.